Designing with Nick

I love chatting to people about their ideas, and creating a design just for them.

Book a time with me, even if you have no idea or just a vague idea - and we can bounce things back and forth.

I find with a face to face consult, on zoom or in the studio, I can show you pieces I've created to offer a visual on ideas and we can quickly hone in on a design that feels right.

I’m also such a magpie for unique gemstones, so I have a huge stash on hand and I can show you options in a range of shapes and colours.

Then with follow up emails we can adjust the design if need be and you can take time to sit with it before we go ahead.

I want you to have a piece that feels amazing and personal, there is no rush and we can take as long as you need to make sure it's perfect.

Book an appointment to meet Nick in the K Rd studio or on a zoom call.

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